Sensitivity Reviews | Smart Writing Assistant | Partners
We perform sensitivity reviews for language pertaining to diversity, equity, and inclusion according to the latest standards and best practices. We focus on intersections of difference such as race, bias, gender, ability, socio-economic status, national origin, culture, etc. We render our findings for the client in precise, everyday language that then can be used to make informed determinations about the material. We work with school districts, academic publishers, business and State & Federal agencies.
More than ever, rapidly changing political environments motivate state and federal agencies, school districts and publishers alike to proactively address sensitivity issues in their content and communications. To help you meet these challenges, we perform sensitivity reviews on your content calibrated to national benchmarks.
The world of academic publishing is evolving to reflect the needs of students and institutions. Publishers are enhancing printed text with online content delivery systems (learning management systems) that are interactive, more responsive to the needs of students – their learning styles & abilities – and can be revised or updated quickly. Consequently, the needs of publishers around content creation are changing, as well. Publishers are looking for talented authors who can step in and craft meaningful, relevant, effective content. Over the last decade, Extanto has developed an extensive pool of authors and subject-matter experts in a wide array of academic disciplines, experienced with a variety of learning management systems and pedagogical requirements.

Extanto values building partnerships across many industries. Since our beginning, we have sought out collaboration when and wherever possible. We believe that together we are able to offer the client something greater than the sum of the parts. Teaming with other businesses has given us exposure to new markets and services, and to some really smart people, too. In the spirit of those associations, here is a roster of our current partners. We are always open to explore new partnering opportunities.
Where can we go together?
If you think your organization would be a good fit for partnership, please feel free to contact us.