As companies begin to explore the use of AI in their business strategies, the discussion inevitably turns to the several risks inherent to the broad adoption of AI.
Extanto White Paper About AI Risk Inspired by Gartner, Inc. and Others
For business to adopt AI, it must trust AI. To ensure ethical and reliable content creation, a ruleset is imperative for governing GPT-generated content. Textmetrics is a powerful governance tool, addressing bias and accuracy concerns and mitigating the risks associated with potential copyright issues in GPT’s training data.
Culture Partners: Purpose, Strategy and Culture
Culture acts as the amplifier for purpose and strategy—powering an organization’s ability to achieve critical business results.
Integrating AI and Textmetrics
To improve the quality and consistency of AI’s output, we propose an integration model that is commonly used to implement user interfaces…
Limitations of Tonality with GPT
I think that we’ve all had the experience in which something that we’ve written has been misinterpreted by the person to whom we wrote it.
Domain Expertise: AI vs Human
Domain Expertise is the deep understanding of a specific industry or field of study born of the lived experience of someone immersed in that industry or field for an extensive period of time. The idea of Domain Expertise is key to unlocking a better understanding of the value that Textmetrics brings to the AI transaction. […]